Monday, February 7, 2011

In Leslie's world...

...there is a Superbowl, but no football.

Sorry, Uncle Mike, if you think this game is stupid.  Guess what?  I feel the same way about a bunch of guys running around in spandex pants and giant shoulder pads.  But I do love a reason to hang out with friends (and their boyfriends' cute single friends*), eat a meal of appetizers and desserts, and polish off some amazing leftovers at work the next day.  Go team!

*Yes, they are friends.  They aren't buddies.  When you call them buddies, a lovely 80s commercial jingle and an image of a freckle-faced doll wearing overalls and an unattractive striped shirt pops into my head.  And then it's only a few more lines of friendly conversation and polite laughter before this Kid Sister is gone!

1 comment:

  1. HA! I was JUST thinking of him the other day!!! (reference my title, I think it may have been yesterday or the day before???) THAT'S how crazy the FLU makes you!!!!!!! Just in case you were wondering??? :)
