Monday, April 4, 2011

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Last night, I got an overwhelming urge to bake cookies.  Coincidentally, I had a to-do list a mile long, and none of the items involved chocolate chips.  So I did the responsible thing and decided to make half a batch of procrastination.

All was going well until I miscalculated ingredient number 12.  Once it was in the bowl, there was no turning back.  The only option was to add more of ingredients 1 through 11 and go all out.  Ingredient number one was softened butter.  Being the savvy baker, I tossed a stick of Land O' Lakes in the batter and popped the bowl in the microwave for 43 seconds (I never enter ordinary increments of's a thing).  Unfortunately, I realized too late that ingredient number 10 was half a bag of chocolate chips, and they didn't exactly keep their shape after being nuked.  So 8 to 11 minutes later, I was gently prying some very lumpy zebra-looking cookies from the pan.

Then, on the way out the door this morning, I had my homemade, questionably edible cookies in hand when Layla decided to make a break for it.  In a bit of a panic, I tossed my cookies (ha!) on the ground, dropped my teacher bag on top of them, and sprinted down the hallway toward my wayward pooch.  It wasn't until after luring my dog back into the apartment with dog biscuits that I realized what I had done to my culinary masterpiece.  No worries though.  Everyone at work still ate their fair share of "cookie bites."  And they loved them!  Because you know what ingredient number 13 was?  Love.*

*Please know that I recognize the cheesiness of this line and have included it for purely comedic reasons.  I don't actually think that love is an ingredient, despite what my second-grade "Recipe for Friendship" might say.

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