Here are a few shout outs to my favorite members of the Kelley clan, with whom I celebrated a very merry Christmas!
To Todd, who personally requested a shout out: That accidental candy was the bomb dot com, so log on, and get it before it's gone! Seriously, if you ever draw my name, box up some of that stuff and put a bow on it! And if I ever draw your name, a lovely whisk-shaped head scratcher is headed your long as you promise not to ever talk about it.
To Steve, who co-hosted the festivities with his lovely wife: Thank you for obliging us with several sentimental crying incidents. I did know I was your favorite, but it's always good to hear it again.
To Vicki, the hostess with the mostest: Thank you, thank you for pointing me toward my future husband. I'm sure Mr. Tebow will warm right up to our crazy family, so go ahead and set another place at the table for him next year!
To Zak, who learned after three grocery stops that Domaine Chandon is in fact, just Chandon: Here's to missing out on being an eyewitness to my "I dancing you?" adventures and to getting out of the car to stand in the rain and watch the live nativity scene as your older and wiser parents drove by and waved from the warmth and dryness of their vehicle.
To my cousin-ish Madison, who, on the anniversary of Jesus' birth, lied to a two-and-a-half-year-old girl about the status of her new iPhone: Way to contribute to the girls' victory over the guys in the "Guess what happened in 2001" version of Trivial Pursuit. They couldn't have done it without us!
To Nathan, who I hardly talked to: I still think my FB post idea would have gotten more responses. And hey, sorry I high-fived you when I thought you were leaving and you weren't. Besties???
To Janet, who matched me bite for bite on the accidental candy: I'm super jealous that you live with the creator of this confection. Do not take it for granted. Also, don't take for granted a peaceful nap time!
To Brent, who called my dog Malorie: It's okay. She doesn't answer to her real name either. Especially when she may or may not have access to leftovers on the table.
Merry belated Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
clever critics
I was catching up on some grading tonight, and I came across a paper I couldn't resist sharing. Let me preface this by saying that I teach Social Skills, so the topics we cover are a bit different than your typical Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Last week, we talked about giving and receiving constructive criticism. After practicing a bit as a group, I gave the following assignment:
On a sheet of paper, write three scenarios in which you would give someone constructive criticism. Then, write what you would say. Remember to include
· something positive
· what you would like the person to correct
· a suggestion for improvement
And Riley* responded with...
1. My history class is kinda slow on somedays.
"Mr. Griggs*, I really like this class over having powerpoint notes. I would really like it if we could catch up with the other History classes by going through the notes fast so we can get to the test over the subjects."
"Mr. Griggs*, I really like this class over having powerpoint notes. I would really like it if we could catch up with the other History classes by going through the notes fast so we can get to the test over the subjects."
2. I can't think of any more scenarios.
“Ms. Howell, I really like this class over it's easy work. Sometimes certain worksheets like this one can be really hard to think of more examples to constructive criticism. I would really like if we didn't had to give 3 examples because I can't think of anymore to write."
“Ms. Howell, I really like this class over it's easy work. Sometimes certain worksheets like this one can be really hard to think of more examples to constructive criticism. I would really like if we didn't had to give 3 examples because I can't think of anymore to write."
…to which I responded…
“Riley, you are very creative, but you need to complete your assignment. I suggest you use your creativity to think of one more example.”
*Names changed to protect…well, to protect me from getting fired. J
Monday, December 5, 2011
Fast Forward
Can it please be December 17th already? Between work, grad school, and the real reason I'm less than jolly, I could really use a break. I would make a paper chain to count down the days, but even just 12 links looks intimidating. I guess I'll settle for a few hours of sleep and a do-over tomorrow.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Letters to strangers, dogs, and friends
Dear Tim Tebow,
My cousin and his wife seem to think we should meet. I've heard a lot about you from sports-crazed guys who have self-proclaimed "man crushes" on you. Also, you have an autobiography case you didn't know. I read part of a chapter (that's as much as you can get away with when the Lifeway lady is smiling questionably at you, and you don't actually intend to buy the book), and guess what?! We both went on mission trips to the Philippines! Cool, huh?! Another thing we have in common is that we both pray. I don't do much praying on a football field, though. In fact, I would say that a handful of my prayers have been requests for whatever plays will make the clock run down so I can get away from the stadium and back to the things I love. Like, um, you know, things that make me sound super interesting...I'll let you decide what those things are. Anyway, if you read this and think, "Wow, I should call that girl!" then please do. I don't want to be too forward and give you my number right here in front of everyone, but if you leave a comment, I'll send some digits your way.
The Future Mrs. 15 (Is that too much? Wait, is that even your number?)
Dear Layla,
Thank you for being an awesome dog and selecting the best places to take care of business. I am especially grateful for yesterday's duty, when you popped a squat approximately 2.5 inches away from shirtless, just-woke-up man who was standing on his porch enjoying a cigarette. It was not at all awkward to avoid eye contact with said shirtless, groggy man while we both waited for you to finish your masterpiece. Not awkward at all.
Your ever-so-humble Pooper Scooper
Dear Shirtless, Just-woke-up Guy,
Thank you for playing along and pretending not to notice that my dog was decorating your porch. I appreciate your patience and your feigned ignorance. Maybe next time, you could walk around a bit inside your house so as not to give away the obvious truth that you were well aware of my four-legged friend's activities. Just a thought.
That girl who pretended not to see you
Dear Rude Man in the Hallway,
Thank you for yelling very loudly at the sweet girl next door that she needs to keep her dog quiet because it disturbs her neighbors. I really appreciate that you care so much about the noise level on our floor that you are willing to yell profanities from one end of the hall to the other. Thanks to your efforts, I'm sure our hallway will be much more peaceful. Well done, rude man. Well done.
That eye that was staring at you through the peep hole
Dear Mr. Server Guy at Cafe Express,
Thank you for not asking me why ordering a cup of soup would make me cry. And thank you for not staring at me like the cashier next to you. Also, thank you for not putting a limit on how many packages of breadsticks or cups of garbanzo beans I can take home with me...because I'm pretty sure I would have exceeded even the most generous of limits by about 47.
To-go order number 4723
P.S. I think you should check your register login...I'm pretty sure you're not Kathleen.
Dear Ashley and Jessica,
Thank you for allowing me to bogart 80% of our conversations, steal away significant chunks of your time, and eat the most sugar-laden contents of your pantry and fridge. I don't think you realize how much pancakes and good friends mean to me. I've had a rough few weeks (months???), and you have been incredibly gracious and patient with me. So thank you, thank you from the bottom of this healing heart.
Her again
Dear Jesus,
I don't talk to you much, but I know your dad pretty well. I just want to thank you for knowing what I'm going through and for not thinking that I'm overreacting to anything. Thank you for walking in loneliness and heartache and for declaring victory over its hold in my life. Thank you for demonstrating obedience in suffering and for not rescuing yourself out of situations that I would have to face one day. Thank you for a love that I do not understand and a patience that accepts me in my ignorance. Thank you for knowing me well and loving me still.
A girl who is not forgotten
My cousin and his wife seem to think we should meet. I've heard a lot about you from sports-crazed guys who have self-proclaimed "man crushes" on you. Also, you have an autobiography case you didn't know. I read part of a chapter (that's as much as you can get away with when the Lifeway lady is smiling questionably at you, and you don't actually intend to buy the book), and guess what?! We both went on mission trips to the Philippines! Cool, huh?! Another thing we have in common is that we both pray. I don't do much praying on a football field, though. In fact, I would say that a handful of my prayers have been requests for whatever plays will make the clock run down so I can get away from the stadium and back to the things I love. Like, um, you know, things that make me sound super interesting...I'll let you decide what those things are. Anyway, if you read this and think, "Wow, I should call that girl!" then please do. I don't want to be too forward and give you my number right here in front of everyone, but if you leave a comment, I'll send some digits your way.
The Future Mrs. 15 (Is that too much? Wait, is that even your number?)
Dear Layla,
Thank you for being an awesome dog and selecting the best places to take care of business. I am especially grateful for yesterday's duty, when you popped a squat approximately 2.5 inches away from shirtless, just-woke-up man who was standing on his porch enjoying a cigarette. It was not at all awkward to avoid eye contact with said shirtless, groggy man while we both waited for you to finish your masterpiece. Not awkward at all.
Your ever-so-humble Pooper Scooper
Dear Shirtless, Just-woke-up Guy,
Thank you for playing along and pretending not to notice that my dog was decorating your porch. I appreciate your patience and your feigned ignorance. Maybe next time, you could walk around a bit inside your house so as not to give away the obvious truth that you were well aware of my four-legged friend's activities. Just a thought.
That girl who pretended not to see you
Dear Rude Man in the Hallway,
Thank you for yelling very loudly at the sweet girl next door that she needs to keep her dog quiet because it disturbs her neighbors. I really appreciate that you care so much about the noise level on our floor that you are willing to yell profanities from one end of the hall to the other. Thanks to your efforts, I'm sure our hallway will be much more peaceful. Well done, rude man. Well done.
That eye that was staring at you through the peep hole
Dear Mr. Server Guy at Cafe Express,
Thank you for not asking me why ordering a cup of soup would make me cry. And thank you for not staring at me like the cashier next to you. Also, thank you for not putting a limit on how many packages of breadsticks or cups of garbanzo beans I can take home with me...because I'm pretty sure I would have exceeded even the most generous of limits by about 47.
To-go order number 4723
P.S. I think you should check your register login...I'm pretty sure you're not Kathleen.
Dear Ashley and Jessica,
Thank you for allowing me to bogart 80% of our conversations, steal away significant chunks of your time, and eat the most sugar-laden contents of your pantry and fridge. I don't think you realize how much pancakes and good friends mean to me. I've had a rough few weeks (months???), and you have been incredibly gracious and patient with me. So thank you, thank you from the bottom of this healing heart.
Her again
Dear Jesus,
I don't talk to you much, but I know your dad pretty well. I just want to thank you for knowing what I'm going through and for not thinking that I'm overreacting to anything. Thank you for walking in loneliness and heartache and for declaring victory over its hold in my life. Thank you for demonstrating obedience in suffering and for not rescuing yourself out of situations that I would have to face one day. Thank you for a love that I do not understand and a patience that accepts me in my ignorance. Thank you for knowing me well and loving me still.
A girl who is not forgotten
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