Tuesday, December 6, 2011

clever critics

I was catching up on some grading tonight, and I came across a paper I couldn't resist sharing.  Let me preface this by saying that I teach Social Skills, so the topics we cover are a bit different than your typical Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.  Last week, we talked about giving and receiving constructive criticism.  After practicing a bit as a group, I gave the following assignment:

On a sheet of paper, write three scenarios in which you would give someone constructive criticism.  Then, write what you would say.  Remember to include
·      something positive
·      what you would like the person to correct
·      a suggestion for improvement

And Riley* responded with...

1.    My history class is kinda slow on somedays.
"Mr. Griggs*, I really like this class over having powerpoint notes.  I would really like it if we could catch up with the other History classes by going through the notes fast so we can get to the test over the subjects."

2.    I can't think of any more scenarios.
“Ms. Howell, I really like this class over it's easy work.  Sometimes certain worksheets like this one can be really hard to think of more examples to constructive criticism.  I would really like if we didn't had to give 3 examples because I can't think of anymore to write."

…to which I responded…

“Riley, you are very creative, but you need to complete your assignment.  I suggest you use your creativity to think of one more example.”

*Names changed to protect…well, to protect me from getting fired. J

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