Friday, September 3, 2010

drop off lines

After going out for frozen yogurt and watching When Harry Met Sally at a friend's place, I anticipated a nice walk with Layla and then some much needed shut-eye.  Little did I know that I had not met my quotient of weird for the day.  No worries came right to me in the form of a super random conversation with a very distraught guy at the pond.

Distraught Guy: Excuse me.  This is going to sound kind of off the wall.  I mean, I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I want to ask you something.

Me: (in my head) Oh my gosh, this is going to be just like that Train song where the guy tells the girl that he's seen her around and has just now found the courage to ask her out.  How sweet!

DG: My girlfriend is in the car over there crying because of her condition.  She's really embarrassed, and I've comforted her in every way I know how, but she just keeps telling me to leave her alone.  Do you know of anything I can do for her?

Me: Condition?  Embarrassed?  Please, please don't go into details!  Well, I'm not really sure of the situation, but I would say just respect whatever she has asked of you.  Maybe she just needs some time.  (walk away quickly!)

Now, I know it is crazy for me to jump to fairytale conclusions, but the thing is, these unexpected conversations happen to me A LOT.  Another of my favorites is...

Guy: Hey, you know what's really beautiful?

Me: Oh geez, a lame pick up line?  Really?  What?

Guy: (pointing over my shoulder) That mural over there.  I love the colors.

Me: Jerk!  I actually wish you had said the lame line!  Oh yeah.  Neat.

I'm not sure what it is that draws out all the false starts, but I sure wish they would follow through or stay the heck away!

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