Saturday, August 21, 2010

10 Points Off

I must say, I was disappointed last night when I woke up randomly and realized I had forgotten to write my daily blog entry...and I was relieved when I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was after midnight and there was nothing I could do about it.  So here is the first of what I'm sure will be many late assignments that I turn in to you with my head tucked in shame.  Sadly, I do not have anything profound or witty to make up for my lack of punctuality.

What I do have to say mom is coming to town!  Hooray!  For any of you who know my mom and me together, you know that our activities will require the following items:

credit card (or three) - to buy much needed cute clothes and accessories, 75% of which we will return

Starbucks treat - to power through that mid afternoon lull when your brain tries to convince you that you don't need any more new shoes, when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth!

cordless drill - to hang curtains and reassemble old chairs and tables found on heavy trash day

level - to tell us that the curtains (and chair seats and table tops) are crooked

toothpaste - to fill in the six or seven holes in the wall from all of the crooked curtain crises

paint - to cover up the toothpaste

Hmmm...the last part of our list is sounding a lot like If You Give a Moose a Muffin.  Look for the newest version, If You Give Your Mom a Drill, at a Blogspot near you!

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