Monday, October 31, 2011

Psalm 34:18

Today one of my students told me I looked different.  When I made the mistake of asking, "How?" he replied, "Your face looks worse."

I can't say that I disagree.  Actually, I was kind of impressed that he noticed.  That's a pretty important social skill.  Although maybe we need to work more on the "'Say it' or 'Think it'" game.  That one's definitely a "think it," much like another comment one of my other students made in the middle of class: "Man, my stomach hurts!  All this gas!"

Thank goodness my cousin and her husband welcomed me into their home tonight and provided an impromptu dance party to all "the ja-ams" of the nineties.  It's really hard to have a pity party while prancing (I think that's what you would call it) around to some Gangsta's Paradise.  A big thank you to Katie, DJ Smith, a sweet little raggedy clown scarecrow, and Coolio.

Jesus, please take it from here...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

shot in the dark

I tried a little something different with my hair today.  One of my more vocal students said to me, "Ms. Howell, I really like this new look you have.  Was your power out this morning?"  I can't decide if I was more offended or impressed by her unintentional wit.  Either way, it made me giggle...and glance in the mirror a time or two.

On another note, this evening, I accidentally took Layla to "Yappy Hour" at our apartment's dog park.  She stealthily swiped an entire bag of community milkbones off the table and, after devouring them, proceeded to bark at any dog that attempted to greet or play with her, including a giant dog that was wearing a tutu as a if Twinkle Paws' self-esteem wasn't already plummeting.