Sunday, July 15, 2012

Taste of Dallas

So, my friend Rachel and I have spent quite a bit of quality time together this weekend.  On Friday, we hit the dance floor at Red River, where I got my two-step fix...followed by my "breakfast for dinner" fix at Cafe Brazil!  I must say, French toast tastes quite divine at two in the morning!  After a few hours of sleep, we navigated the DART and found our way to Fair Park for a little taste of everything Dallas has to offer - chicken, tomato basil salad, crawfish pizza, cheesecake, gelato...and of course, fifteen free rolls of Mentos (as advertised above).  What better thing to hand out at a tasting event than a fresh maker?!  And this morning, after churching, Rachel and I met for an early showing of Safety Not Guaranteed.  It's not exactly kid friendly, but I did laugh out loud a time or twelve, and I may or may not have a less than small crush on Jake Johnson.  Anyhoo...I think you can see from the picture above that my weekend was totally rad.  Thanks, Rach, for some much needed summer fun in the city!